Wednesday Wanderlust ~ Canaves Oia, Santorini
One of my favorite parts of my job as a luxury travel advisor is getting to know hoteliers from around the world. Last night I had the pleasure of having cocktails with a few who were in Greenwich showcasing their properties...each property was truly spectacular and I intend to share each in due time.
But today, I have to share the one that just knocked my socks off...get ready to experience a serious bout of wanderlust!

Presenting Canaves Oia on the gorgeous island of Santorini...the pictures tell the entire story...

The three Canaves properties - The Canaves Oia Hotel, Canaves Oia Suites and the Canaves Oia Villa - are family owned and operated Most of the photos pictured here are of the suites - all of which have their own plunge pool with views of the Caldera.
Insider tip...for stays of five nights or more at the Canaves Oia Suites booked through a Virtuoso Travel Advisor (that would be me!), receive a sunset catamaran cruise for two.
Seriously...when can I leave???
(all photos courtesy of Canaves Oia)