On My Radar

Happy Friday! What is everyone up to for this first weekend of Fall?? I am headed down to Washington to visit my daughter and, wouldn't you know, it is supposed to rain all weekend. Oh well...we have plenty of "inside plans" including seeing this exhibit at the National Gallery of Art and checking out some new to me restaurants down there. This is my first big "outing" since I broke my arm so I intend to make the most of it!
Here is what is on my radar screen this week...
What Is Happening This Fall in Connecticut?
Good to remember for Fall day trips...out of towners - come visit me this Fall - it is gorgeous up here!
Good to remember for Fall day trips...out of towners - come visit me this Fall - it is gorgeous up here!
It is amazing that we ever connect with our bags again!
New Yorkers, take note!
What To Wear To The Airport...Problem Solved!
What a scary story but excellent advice to remember whenever you travel abroad.
What is pinging your radar screen this week??
Have an absolutely wonderful weekend, my friends...wherever you may be wandering...