At a recent lunch with a few of my favorite blogging buddies we were discussing how lately Instagram seems to be taking over from blogs. While I look forward to my daily blog reading immensely, I also really enjoy spending time on Instagram. Sometimes at the end of a long day, in the middle of the night when I can't sleep or even while standing in line at the grocery store, it is like taking a mini vacation to scroll through one beautiful picture after another.
own presence on Instagram has been somewhat limited as I have felt an obligation to only share my own photos, usually from my travels. Even as a travel advisor and blogger, the vast majority of my time is spent NOT traveling, which doesn't give me a lot of opportunity for sharing spectacular photos and maintaining a regular presence on Instagram. I have noticed more of a trend towards sharing photos taken by others (with appropriate credit given, of course). As such, I hope to start sharing one or two photos daily from other instagrammers which inspire me.
Here are a few Instagram feeds that are new to me and may be new to you...I hope they help you escape for a few minutes during your busy days (or sleepless nights)...
And, if you don't already follow ME, please join in the fun! You can find me