Catching Up and Travel Inspired Art by Inslee Haynes
Do you ever have one of those weeks when it seems you just can't catch up? That would be me this week...We returned from our vacation very late Monday night (note to self - getting home at 1 am pretty much ruins the next day as well) and I have been beyond busy this week. I have had what I like to think of as an embarrassment of riches - a lovely Florida vacation followed by several new clients courtesy of the this amazing post by the wonderful, Tina, at The Enchanted Home. If I missed commenting on one of your posts in the past couple of weeks, please forgive me. Unfortunately, unless I am at my desk until midnight, something has to give, and this week it has been playing with my blogging friends!
Today, I want to talk about art...specifically a young artist who captured my attention a couple of years ago...Inslee Haynes.
Of course, my favorites are her "travel" illustrations. If I had my "own" office (I work out of our library - one of my favorite rooms in the house, but definitely not a "girly" room) I would create a gallery wall with these prints...or even better, wouldn't a blog header of her work be absolutely perfect??

(all illustrations by Inslee Haynes)
Something about Inslee's illustrations just make me happy...she is quite young, but seems wise beyond her years and her "girls" appeal to my middle aged self as much as they appeal to my 25 year old daughter (who has this print and Inslee's calendar in her apartment!).
Next week, I will share a bit more about our Florida trip - I honestly took very few pictures and we were bouncing all over the east coast of Florida, but I do have two special hotels to share with you.
Around here this weekend, we will be celebrating Derby Day (go California Chrome!) and our son Christopher's birthday, even though he is in California and knee deep in exams.
Sending you wishes for a weekend filled with sunshine and spring blooms...wherever you may be wandering!