Wednesday Wanderlust ~ Ritz Carlton Reserve Dorado Beach
As I am writing this we are experiencing our 14th snowstorm of the season here in Connecticut...we currently have received more snow here than they have this winter in Anchorage, Alaska. Enough is enough...
One of the many pleasures of being a Virtuoso travel advisor is participating in online "webinars" showcasing various properties around the world. Recently, I participated in one for the Ritz Carlton Reserve ~ Dorado Beach in Puerto Rico. It really "wow-ed" me and I want to share it with all you. So, sit back, relax and take a few minutes from your day to enjoy this short virtual vacation to this tropical paradise...
(Go here if you cannot view the video)
While many of you may be familiar with the Ritz Carlton brand, you may not be familiar with their "Reserve" properties. Currently there are two - the Dorado Beach property and Phulay Bay in Thailand, with quite a few more in the works. The concept is to create smaller, more intimate properties in keeping with the "sense of place" of each one's destination.
Here is how the Dorado Beach resort is described on their website:
A cherished destination, Dorado Beach, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve is an intimate retreat offering a true sense of barefoot elegance, blending Laurence Rockefeller’s novel environmental design philosophies and modern yet minimal décor. Created as an open-air enclave infused with references to the surrounding natural landscape and diverse culture, Dorado Beach is a true luxury sanctuary designed to allure the world’s most discerning travelers through a bevy of one-of-a-kind lifestyle experiences.
So, what do you think? Does this look as enticing to you as it does to me?
Are you also dreaming of an island vacation right now?
Maybe you have you managed to get away (between snowstorms) to enjoy a tropical paradise? Or, are you reading this from Florida, California or some other lovely place in the world where it is always summer?
Let's talk...where would YOU like to be today?
(all photos via Ritz Carlton Reserve Dorado Beach)