When Renting A Vacation Home...Use a Travel Professional

Often when traveling with a family or a group, renting a villa or condo is the most practical and least expensive option. Did you know that, in addition to booking hotels, tours and cruises, your travel professional can assist you in booking amazing villa and condo rentals around the world?
Villas at Half Moon, Jamaica
7 Bedroom Villa with cook, butler and housekeeper from $1200/night
Many travel advisors have direct contacts in locations around the world who can assist in finding the exact property you desire.  While online booking sites may show many listings, it is overwhelming to try to narrow down your selection. By having your travel advisor reach out to their myriad of contacts, you will have the benefit of very specific and trusted recommendations regarding the location, amenities and other aspects of your rental.
Notting Hill, London
5 Bedroom Apartment starting at £990/night 
Recently, I called upon a wonderful resource in Paris on behalf of a client to find an apartment for rent during the week of the French Open.  Availability was extremely scarce during this time, but my contact in Paris was able to come through with a gorgeous apartment in the heart of the left bank at a very desirable rate. A win-win for the client and me!
Positano, Italy
6 Bedroom Villa from €1,837/night

Another client wanted to travel to the Caribbean over spring break - nightly hotel rates were sky high and she would need two rooms for her family. Through another of my resources, I found a highly coveted three bedroom unit at the Ritz Carlton Club in St. Thomas at a rate less than one room at a luxury resort.
Ritz Carlton Club, St. Thomas, USVI
3 Bedroom Club Residence from $700/night
These days many people like to DIY their travel plans and there are certainly plenty of options for doing this when renting a vacation home.  But, why spend your valuable time wading through pages and pages of online listings when  your travel advisor can help you find the perfect rental?
(Please e-mail me for more information about the pictured vacation rentals and many more all over the world...I would LOVE to help you!)